Monday, March 9, 2015

Super Metroid Review

As anyone who knows me is aware, Super Metroid is my FAVORITE Metroid series game. It is, also, my favorite video game of all time. This is the game that actually turned me into an official gamer. Although Sonic the Hedgehog was the first game I ever played when I was very young, once I got my hands on Super Metroid and my entire being enveloped in the intergalactic world, my nerd side grew.

In my opinion, this is the game of games. This review is purely based on my personal preferences and what I enjoy in video games. And that's why this is my favorite game, because it is EVERYTHING I love in a game.

So without further ado, let's dive into the good stuff.

First off, let's start with the aspects of gameplay:

--> It's a sidescroller. Sidescrollers are my favorite style of gameplay. I love being able to see a large portion of the room/environment I am in as well as what is ahead and behind me. Super Metroid does, of course, have its areas of vertical movement, but they are done so in a good way without leaving me feeling claustrophobic.

--> Controls. Very basic. Simplicity is the essence of life as I always say. Why complicate what already functions well, right? Enough said. The only thing I'd like to add is that I really loved that there was a dash button for this game. In Zero Mission and in Fusion, even though you get the Speed Booster upgrade, there is no dash, you just hold left or right for long enough and eventually Speed Booster kicks in. Sure, that makes it easy, but I loved the control and the actual difference in feel when you push the dash button. Plus your jumps go much further if you're dashing.

--> Physics. The physics in this game are so tight and natural that the game is smoother than whipped butter on warm bread. Some games get me messed up because the physics just don't make sense or are inconsistent. One problem I never had here.

--> Cutscenes. By that I mean the lack thereof. Other than the opening sequence and the end where Zebes is blown into magnificent smithereens leaving behind a new galaxy-sized star, the game doesn't have any cutscenes. And while I am usually a fan of cutscene story, the lack of cutscenes in this game do make for a flawless and smooth gameplay, I do admit.

--> Artwork. This game is BEAUTIFUL. It fully unlocked the graphical potential of the Super Nintendo and blew my mind. Still does actually. Even though it's no Metroid Prime (also gorgeous), I am still taken by the artwork in this every time I play.

--> Challenge. This game had it's personal challenges, but they were fun. They didn't go overboard like other Metroid titles. They offered the chance to feel accomplished without getting annoyed or straight up frustrated to tears. Also, you can add your own challenges by speed running, doing 100% or minimal % runs, or testing new moves in order to sequence break the game.

--> Adventure and exploration: This is my favorite thing about the game. The more you explore, the more amazing things you find, even if there's no missile pack or energy tank behind the hidden walls, just the fact that you found a hidden area through your own curiosity is just so satisfying. And 9 times out of 10, there is a special reward waiting for you!

Now I'll just share my other favorite general aspects of the game:

--> Favorite power up: Screw attack. I know, cliche. Everyone's favorite. But there's a reason. It kicks ass, looks awesome, and is fun to use. That's three reasons.

--> Favorite beam: I love all the beam upgrades in this game, as well as the ability it gives to mix and match them as desired. I will say plasma is my favorite, with wave being a close second. Plasma is just so powerful it makes your bones quiver. So powerful they won't let you equip both that and Spazer at the same time! And wave is just fun, going through walls and stuff. XD

--> Favorite boss: Ridley. He is a theme foe throughout the whole series, plus he is truly intimidating looking. Not to mention he's a dragon. Who doesn't love to see dragons?! He is also significantly harder than the last boss of the game: Motherbrain. That fight is practically scripted and part of the thrill of the Ridley battle is the fear of death. Have to mention Crocomire too. He's technically not a boss, but I would say he is as difficult as Kraid, and I always love this fight. Mostly because he is so cute. Seriously. Wish I had a miniaturization beam so I could just keep him in one of my shoulder pads. =3

--> Favorite area: Maridia. This one may come as more of a shocker, because generally the water area of games are everyone's least favorite. However, being a fan of the Water and Lakebed temples in Zelda Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, it shouldn't be so shocking now to know that the underwater part of Zebes was my favorite. Don't ask me why. The sinking sand is a pain in the ass and Draygon is a nightmare incarnate, but for some reason I always look forward to this area. I've always said I was a mermaid or dolphin in another life.

--> Favorite Soundtrack theme: Maridia, the theme you hear upon entering via the door at the top of the short shaft containing the glass tunnel you can blast up in Brinstar. No surprise, my favorite theme comes from my favorite area. I would like to add, though, that I am a huge fan of the Super Metroid soundtrack as a whole and enjoy listening to the originals as well as remixes on a regular basis. Well done. And with a proper sound system, you will realize all the depth and bass that each song possesses making them all well rounded masterpieces. Please indulge in the great remix of said area of all time and submit to an eargasm:

--> Favorite Suit: GRAVITY SUIT. The Varia suit is the all-famed suit of the series, and I'll give it what it deserves. But the gravity suit has always been a sweet spot for me. It is cosmetically pleasing, a fantastic upgrade, making all areas of the game easily accessible and navigable. 

--> Least favorite boss: Even though I will be listing just a couple least favorite items, that is not to say they made the game unenjoyable or that I feel the game would've been better off without them. In every game, even the ones you love, there's always those things you just play through because you have to, but it doesn't deplete your love for the game at all. My least favorite boss was Kraid. Seriously? First boss of the game, more challenging than most others. He's actually a real bully and I remember being stuck here for a while when I first played through the game. AND HE'S EVEN MORE OF A PAIN IN ZERO MISSION HE MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM. But we love you Kraid. :P

--> Least favorite area: The Wrecked Ship. The only mercies it holds: It's short and to the point, there's no backtracking, and it's loaded with goodies. The soundtrack is fitting, but not something I'd play for entertainment while I do my chores.

Overall score: Do I really need to say it? :] Best game ever. Always makes me excited. And I wouldn't call myself the most talented gamer, but this game does make me feel like a rockstar. Love this game, and if you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it. 

Thank you all for reading! 

Disclaimer: This post is purely opinion. Therefore your rude comments implying I am wrong, are not welcome and invalid, because it is opinion and therefore not factional. Please keep them to yourself. If you didn't like this, leave the page. :]

All Copyrights to respective artists and Nintendo for the artwork and music. 

Metroid Junkie 2015

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