Sunday, March 15, 2015

Metroid: Zero Mission Review

Metroid: Zero Mission. A WONDERFULLY done remake of the original Metroid game. For me, this game was significantly harder than Super Metroid. I got stuck at Kraid for a lot longer, and actually had a little trouble in Tourian and Mother Brain! XD But after playing through Super Metroid a few hundred times, I was ready for the new challenge!

We'll start with gameplay again:

--> All the usual things apply here as they did in Super Metroid, sidescroller, great controls (minus the dash button ;P), and beautiful artwork. In addition, this game was short and sweet. Almost too short. But I actually kind of like that I can beat it in a shorter period of time, though, since some parts can really get under my skin.

--> Physics. Tight, and work pretty much the same. Which made the transition very smooth. However, I loved the addition of the Power Grip, allowing Samus to grab the edge of ledges. Pretty much my favorite feature. Very useful.

--> Cutscenes. I LOVED the way they introduced each boss with a short clip displaying the boss and just how formidable they are!! Once again, great artwork. They truly made the planet come to life.

--> Challenge. Oh boy did this game have it's challenges. Kraid gave me even more trouble in this game then he did in Super Metroid. I was stuck at him forever. I even looked up videos and guides to see if there was some sort of trick I was missing. Eventually, after bashing my head against the wall enough times I got through him.

Then, Tourian. I made the mistake of getting myself trapped in a corner with about 4 Metroids on me. Not to mention, in this game when you bomb them it only knocks them away, it does not kill them as it does in Super Metroid. O.O Later I bombed the floor in just the right spot that I fell all the way to the bottom and collected every Metroid in the room on me, getting me in the same position I was in before. I don't know how I lived, but it took forever to farm those stupid laser rings to replenish my health and weapons...

And then there was Mother Brain. The boss itself was not difficult. I can dodge the occasional energy shot. But when there's that plus onion rings and lasers knocking me into the lava depleting my health making it impossible to get a shot in? Yeah it took me a little bit...

Chozodia! I loved this aspect of the game, so original and also hard. But not nearly as hard as the previous areas. XD However, having a useless weapon is a bit annoying, especially when there are times when staying out of sight is unavoidable. But the thrill made for a lot of fun!


--> Favorite power up: Power grip! Really could've used this in Super Metroid. And every game. Ever.

--> Favorite Beam: Well since the beam upgrades are pretty much the same as in Super Metroid, I will go with the long beam haha!! I find it funny and silly that you have to get a beam that travels farther, which doesn't quite make sense that it never would in the first place. XD

--> Favorite Boss: Hmm. Can't really say I had one. While I enjoyed the overall game, there was no boss I found particularly fun, unfortunately. I just kind of beat them in order to play the rest of the game. I guess Ridley was fun, but so unrealistically easy...

--> Favorite Area: Chozodia. I loved the ancient feel of this area, and of course the adventurousness and all the secrets. Lots of hidden passages and opportunity to be sneaky.

--> Favorite Soundtrack theme: Surprisingly? Kraid's theme. I actually really loved the score for his battle in this game even though the fight itself was torture for me.

Metroid Metal - Kraid (NES)

--> Favorite Suit: The Zero suit. Getting to see Samus in a whole new light as well as testing just how strong she is without her super enhanced, fully powered suit and beam gun. This also brought about new challenges with having to avoid combat almost completely!

--> Least favorite boss: You guessed it. Kraid. I think I've already elaborated enough on my feelings about him.

--> Least favorite area: Tourian. But yet I don't hate it. It just causes a high amount of stress in me since I find it so difficult. Fortunately, I don't make the same mistakes I did my first time through the game anymore, but Mother Brain still hangs me up sometimes. And you have to admit, it is dark and creepy. XD

Overall score: Mmmm. 8 out of 10. Not because there's anything wrong with the game, but simply because it's not quite as fun for me as Super Metroid and I can get SUPER frustrated with it at times. But still, Nintendo did a wonderful job incorporating the story into the game and adding a whole new section to the story as well! Great game, still top of the list.

Once again, thank you all for reading!!

Disclaimer: This post is purely opinion. Therefore your rude comments implying I am wrong, are not welcome and invalid, because it is opinion and therefore not factional. Please keep them to yourself. If you didn't like this, leave the page. :]

All Copyrights to respective artists and Nintendo for the artwork and music. 

Metroid Junkie 2015

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