Monday, March 19, 2018

Metroid Samus Returns Review

Hey there Metroid fans! It's been a while.
I wanted to do a review of Nintendo's 2017 Metroid game release: Samus Returns. This is a remake of the second game, Metroid II: Return of Samus.

Ever since and including the release of Metroid: Other M, Nintendo has been failing to put out a quality Metroid title. Other M has beautiful artwork, but it's significant deviation from Samus' original backstory and personality were a complete deal breaker. And don't even get me started on Federation Force. That's not a Metroid game either.

But I digress.

Needless to say, I was quite anxious when Nintendo first announced their plans for a new Metroid game for 3DS. My gut instinct was that it was going to be trash, so I gave it little attention at first. But when they released a gameplay preview, it piqued my interest. It actually looked like something worth my time. Over the next few months, as more info about the game was released, I was getting more excited, though still skeptical...didn't want my hopes getting up too high...

I didn't plan on buying the game until it had been out for a couple months and I could read some reviews THEN decide if it was worth the investment.

But a week before the release, I broke down and pre-ordered the limited edition. (Glad I did, got this rad keychain that defends my car from space pirates now.)

I thought I should feel some buyer's remorse or unease about the purchase, since I was trying to be cautious, but I was riding that hype train. "NO RAGRATS."
It was worth it.
This official remake wove in the original story of Metroid II, making the game feel more complete. The artwork was absolutely gorgeous and perfect for the 3DS. 

The remake also had a full soundtrack, something the original game lacked. Some areas had just ambient background melodies, while other areas had full Metroid track remixes from previous titles. All of the music was deliciously put together and enhanced the overall gameplay experience well.

--> Gameplay: On point. It felt like a Super Metroid/Metroid Prime mash-up, two of Nintendo's greatest Metroid games. I love side scrollers and it was definitely in keeping with the classic game feel. But there are some definite Prime-inspired elements that give Samus more power and versatility without feeling too gimmicky.

I loved free-aim mode, it was intuitive and practical. The special aeion abilities you gain as well throughout the game all have their purpose and feel necessary at many points throughout the planet. 

Despite being on a small screen, Nintendo did a great job with the "scare factor." As one would expect, battling giant space aliens might be a bit frightening. Nintendo did well to invoke this feeling not only because of their awesome graphics, but their tasteful cinematics and sound effects.

And yet, they did not make the mistake of making Samus look like a helpless emotional little girl (ahem, Other M). The fear is induced in the player and you know Samus will kick ass -- if you can just dodge that one stupid attack, dammit.

--> Challenge.

The game was challenging, but not too much. (I mostly got hung up on the Diggernaut boss...robot bastard.) Nonetheless, it was fun and played to the exploratory and adventurous gamer. It has features and abilities that are new and fun while staying true to Metroid.


--> Favorite power up: The second aeion ability you get, shields. I am not a pro gamer. I am average at best. Having a shield to buy me time before I start dying was one of my best friends for this game. Especially since it is not abound with energy tanks, and dodging is not my strong suit. Yep. Shields for the win.

--> Favorite beam: Still wave. Best beam, hands down. It shoots through walls, who doesn't find that useful?

--> Favorite boss: This is not a boss heavy game. There's really only 3 true bosses and then a bunch of metroids that get stronger and stronger as they evolve, which all feel like mid-bosses. I really did dig the hunt of this game and liked that it didn't have a lot of big baddies. Defeating Ridley, of course, was very satisfying. As it always is.

--> Favorite area: Not sure I want to officially pick a favorite area. But I will say that I enjoyed the waters and vegetation in Area 5. 

--> Favorite Soundtrack Theme: Lower Brinstar. That's the track title. This remix they did from Super Metroid for Samus Returns gave me chills. As soon as I arrived in the part of Area 5 where this theme starts, I literally stopped just to listen for a couple minutes. I also sent an excerpt to my brother right away, who is also a hardcore fan whom I knew would appreciate it just like myself.

--> Favorite suit: Gravity suit. Always.

--> Least favorite boss: Diggernaut. This dumb robot gave me so much trouble. Once I finally got the hang of avoiding his attacks, I got to a point in the fight where I didn't know what I was supposed to do to progress! When I finally figured it out, though, the ending cinematic to his demise was SO delicious, and made my victory feel even better. In your face, space robot from hell.

I am impressed with how well done this game was and I felt SO satisfied to have finally played a decent Metroid title for the first time in years. (A Nintendo game, mind you, I have enjoyed other well-done fan-made Metroid games).

My only disappointments were these: The sound track that came with the limited edition, only featured 4 songs from the game and rest were from other Metroid games. I'm glad to see some music from previous titles, but it's just a teaser. And I would've loved a more complete compilation of music from Samus Returns, though they did get the big ones. And at least my favorite was on there.
Secondly, Europe got a wwwaaayyyy cooler LEGACY Edition!! Along with the game, it includes the soundtrack (same songs thankfully, but different art), a morph ball Samus keychain, AND an artbook. I bought it, too. I know the game is region locked. But. I'm a collector. Especially with Metroid. NO RAGRATS.

If anyone was on the fence about this game, I hope this review helped convince you it's worth your money and time. I have no regrets. I enjoyed every juicy moment of exploring SR 388 and beating up metroids. I look forward to my next playthrough.
Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: This post is purely opinion. Therefore your rude comments implying I am wrong, are not welcome and invalid, because it is opinion and therefore not factional. Please keep them to yourself. If you didn't like this, leave the page. :]

All Copyrights to respective artists and Nintendo for the artwork and music. 

Metroid Junkie 2018